Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Woodrow Wilson: Communist, article in Sociological Essays 1922

Woodrow Wilson the Communist, article in Sociological Essays By Andrew Edward Breen 1922

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That Socialism in its practical working leads to despotism is proven by many examples. Robespierre, Danton, and Marat were the tyrants of the French Revolution; Lenin and Trotzky are the tyrants of Russia; Bela Kun was the tyrant of Hungary; Woodrow Wilson, who was elected by socialists, became the most absolute of all our rulers.

In the Socialist Convention at New York (1920), Morris Hillquit declared:

"Be it remembered, that in 1916, Woodrow Wilson ran as a radical.

"He promised Socialism through the short cut of the Democratic party, and thousands of radicals throughout the country voted for him rather than to throw away their votes on the hopeless candidates of the Socialist party.

"Woodrow Wilson was elected over Hughes by the vote of Socialists. In California alone the defection in the normal Socialist vote determined his victory.

"Wilson, the pacifist, drew us into the world's most frightful war.

Wilson, the anti-militarist, imposed conscription upon the country in war and urged universal military training, a large standing army and a huge navy in peace.

Wilson, the Liberal, revived the mediaeval institutions of speech, thought and conscience.

Wilson the Democrat, arrogated to himself autocratic power grossly inconsistent with a republican form of government. His administration suppressed radical publications, raided homes and meeting places of its political opponents, destroyed their property and assaulted their persons."

Wilson, the apostle of the 'new freedom,' infested the country with stool pigeons, spies, and agents provocateurs, and filled the jails with political prisoners.

On April 23, 1920, in Boston, Mass., at a hearing of the Federal District Court, Mrs. Martha Moore Avery, who was formerly state secretary of the Socialist party, but who has renounced its principles, was under cross-examination by Morris Katzeff, counsel for the petitioners. Counsel read to the witness the sentences, "the trusts are our masters now," and, "I do not care how benevolent the master is going to be, I refuse to live under a master," and asked if she regarded them as good Communist doctrines. "Very good Communist doctrines," she replied. Counsel then asked Mrs. Avery if she would be surprised to know that he was reading from "The New Freedom" written by Woodrow Wilson.

"I regard Woodrow Wilson as the author of the most idealistic literature from the socialistic point of view within my time," she said.

At this point, Judge George W. Anderson addressed the witness from the bench. "Then you mean that since you left the Socialist party, he is the best exponent of the Socialist doctrine that you know?"

"Yes, he uses fine language and writes from an international point of view the ideas I advocated years ago."

"You mean then that the ideas behind 'New Freedom,' 'Marxian Socialism' and 'Communism' are one and the same thing?"

Mrs. Avery answered in the affirmative.

Buy - Recarving Rushmore: Ranking the Presidents on Peace, Prosperity, and Liberty by Ivan Eland (where Wilson is ranked LAST)

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